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Edit or delete a content request

WuvDay App - Android and iOS

  1. You can edit a content request until it expires from the WuvDay app by accessing the menu and clicking on MY REQUESTS.
  2. Choose the request you want to edit by tapping on the title or the amount to open the detail.
  3. Click on EDIT.
  4. You can change the radius of interest of the request in order to increase the number of potential users available to send you the content you are looking for.
  5. Click on SAVE to make the changes.
  6. If you want to delete the request, click on DELETE, then confirm the deletion of the request. - Desktop

  1. You can edit a content request until it expires from by accessing the menu and clicking on MY REQUESTS.
  2. Click on EDIT, next to the request you want to edit.
  3. You can change the radius of interest of the request in order to increase the number of potential users available to send you the content you are looking for.
  4. Click on SAVE REQUEST to make the changes.
  5. If you want to delete the request, click on CLOSE next to the request, then confirm the deletion of the request.
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